We opened our doors in 2009 as a for-profit brand studio contracted by apparel and sport companies looking to grow as lifestyle brands in the crowded + competitive global markets where they operate.

As we grew our own identity as a brand studio, we went through a few name changes over the years trying to find the best position in our own crowded consulting market.

But no matter our name, we continued our work helping brands strategically position, market, and activate their identities.

We never changed our belief that brands must honest + transparent with their audiences in order to create an engaging two way relationship full of value.

In 2020 we realized we needed to do more with our work. Specifically, we wanted our work to contribute to the well being of our planet + society.

After learning about Benefit and B Corp structures we saw our path, changing our studio name (for one last time) to MAWKO and publicly aligning our work commitment to equally prioritize the financial, environmental, and social impact we create.

We continue to collaborate with clients across all aspects of strategy + brand management + marketing, building projects in partnership with internal teams or with our team leading the way from concept to activation.

We always strive to engage audiences, drive innovation, grow commercial revenue streams, and ensure sustainability strategies are both attached to business plans and aligned with brand ethos.

As in sport, teamwork and collaboration remain key ingredients for our studio’s success and we are very proud of the people + partners that have trusted us to help build their brands.